Bad Things About Computers


kids nowadays can not imagine a home without a television, computer, phone, being under the influence of much of the mass-media, which often gives the wrong perspective of the world in which they live. After some research on the impact of the computer in children, psychologists and paediatricians concluded that computers can be dangerous if used in an uncontrolled manner. So kids who spend more than five hours in front of the computer must obesity.

awkward position before entering such that persists for hours can impact on the child and its screen can hurt their eyes. To spend their time in front of computer means that they do not learn to share their shares, waiting for their turn and they do not get to learn some basic things, such as behavior. Kids need to interact with other kids and adults. They need to experience things on their own, not using the computer.

Some of the boys identify users of the computer with a hard, sadistic rebel characters. A child is addicted to the computer if they are tired all the time, if they sleep very little, if they have problems in school, and so on. They do not learn anything, they do not do their homework, they have other interests, they isolate themselves from their friends, they are frustrated and rebellious, especially because their parents do not understand the problem and do not see an attractive and fascinating part of using the computer. That is why parents should make a balanced plan for their children and teach them why it is very dangerous for them to spend time in his chair, with his eyes fixed on the screen.

They should think about when their children are allowed to use the computer and check them from time to time, mentioning the consequences of their disobedience, but also a reward for their obedience.


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