Computers and technology today


Computer plays an important role day-to-day life of people particularly in the workplace, school and even at home. Twenty-first century has been the age of so many technological advancements aimed to make people’s lives better. Computer helps them to become more efficient in their work

Computer technology in banking :.

Technology has made our lives easy and convenient, for example, the needs of our banking. Previously, people needed to maintain critical data of their customers manually. But now, in just one click, they would be able to find information all customers instead. Customers are able to know about the business of their account by logging into the bank website. Moreover, it is possible to apply for a loan through the online

improvements in computer technology :.

Computer technology has improved the style of our life much better than before. Because of the advent of the Internet and technology, the world has shrunk to a global village. Even though advances in network creates new challenges as computer problems and virus threats, computer technologies like antivirus software easy to overcome these problems

Computer food :.

The automation and computerization of food processing units is facing a lot of problems if they are used nearby water catastrophic effect on any computer system. Most food processing units prefer waterproof computers to protect their computer systems from drenching in the production area

Computer in the medical field :.

Hospital is an important institution and computers are used for the management of the hospital. The accounting, payroll and stock hospital systems have been computerized in recent days. We can maintain a list of different products, their distribution and use of different departments, etc. using your computer. Even as the disease can be diagnosed by entering the patient’s symptoms. Moreover, various electronic devices used in laboratories for different tests of blood etc.

Computer in agriculture

Now the agricultural industry is also using computers. The analysis was made several years ago shows that 44% of farmers in Ohio are using computers for various purposes. In 1991, only 32% of farmers to take advantage of it. This shows that there is a great increase in farmers who are using computers. As the Internet becomes a means of communication, most farmers use this technological advancement for transaction processing or to access information. The analysis shows that of the total farmers who were surveyed, 80% are using the network

Computer education :.

Because of the globalization of education, there are so many challenges posed by the new trends. In order to tackle all these challenges, information technology in the education sector is very important. It is essential that students become familiar with the concept and use of information in order to prepare them for the future labor market. Similarly, the department can achieve better quality in teaching methodology. The computer technology has developed in many areas. Radical development has created a huge impact on almost all areas, thus leading to a new era.
